Still in heavy development.
Default receiver Stylized media receiver Custom receiverWant to just play media (music, video, photos) right now with some baked in support for displaying basic metadata about the content?
castAway = new CastAway()
castAway.on 'receivers:available', ->
# receivers available, safe to request a session
castAway.requestSession (err, session) ->
if err
return # error starting session (user canceled it)
config =
url: ''
contentType: 'audio/mpeg'
artist: 'Will Smith'
images: [""]
# Also available: '.photo', '.movie', '.tvShow' ... see examples config, (err, controls) ->
if err
return # error loading media
# Interact with the media via controls
$('.pause').click (ev) -> controls.pause()
$('.play').click (ev) ->
$('.stop').click (ev) -> controls.stop()
$('.release').click (ev) -> session.release()
# will emit the following events...
session.on 'pause', -> # media paused
session.on 'play', -> # media playing
session.on 'stop', -> # media stopped
session.on 'seek', -> # media seeking
session.on 'error', -> # media errored
session.on 'idle', -> # media idle
session.on 'load', -> # media loading
session.on 'release', -> # quit cast session
castAway.on 'receivers:unavailable', ->
# No receivers found
castAway.on 'existingMediaFound', (session, controls) ->
# found existing media session, interact with it via
# the passed session and controls.
castAway.initialize (err, data) ->
if err
# unsuccessfully initialized, cry
# successfully initialized, party
Want all the baked in goodness of the default media receiver, but your own custom look via CSS?
# Note the application id
castAway = new CastAway applicationID: "XXXXXXXXX"
castAway.on 'receivers:available', ->
# receivers available, safe to request a session
castAway.requestSession (err, session) ->
if err
return # error starting session (user canceled it)
config =
url: ''
contentType: 'audio/mpeg'
artist: 'Will Smith'
images: [""]
# Also available: '.photo', '.movie', '.tvShow' ... see examples config, (err, controls) ->
if err
return # error loading media
# Interact with the media via controls
$('.pause').click (ev) -> controls.pause()
$('.play').click (ev) ->
$('.stop').click (ev) -> controls.stop()
$('.release').click (ev) -> session.release()
# will emit the following events...
session.on 'pause', -> # media paused
session.on 'play', -> # media playing
session.on 'stop', -> # media stopped
session.on 'seek', -> # media seeking
session.on 'error', -> # media errored
session.on 'idle', -> # media idle
session.on 'load', -> # media loading
session.on 'release', -> # quit cast session
castAway.on 'receivers:unavailable', ->
# No receivers found
castAway.on 'existingMediaFound', (session, controls) ->
# found existing media session, interact with it via
# the passed session and controls.
castAway.initialize (err, data) ->
if err
# unsuccessfully initialized, cry
# successfully initialized, party
Want send HTML/CSS/JS to a chromecast and do everything yourself to impress your friends and win influence?
Receiver Code
<h1>Put Messages on Your TV!</h1>
<ul id="messages"></ul>
castAway = new CastAway()
receiver = castAway.receive()
receiver.on "displayMessage", (data) ->
$("#messages").append "<li>#{data.message}</li>"
Sender Code
<h1>Put Messages on Your TV!</h1>
<input id="message" type="text" /><button id="send-message">Send</button>
castAway = new CastAway applicationID: "XXXXXXXXX"
castAway.on "receivers:available", ->
castAway.requestSession (err, session) ->
$("#send-message").click ->
val = $("#message").val()
session.send "displayMessage", message: val, (err, data) ->
if err
console.log "error", err
console.log "success", data
castAway.initialize (err, data) ->
if err
console.log "error initializing", err
console.log "initialized", data
Important Notes:
- Register your chromecast's ID number with Google
- Configure your chromecast to send it's ID number via the Chromecast app on your telephone
- You must include Google's official js script on the page
- The Chromecast extension is required as it will pop open when users try to cast.
- Here's all the official docs